Manoa Organization Database


The Manoa Organization Database was a group project created for the ICS 314: Software Engineering class. It was created to act as a central catalog of the different student clubs and organizations of UH Manoa. Users are able to search through different clubs cataloged on the site, while club officers can sign up to provide relevant information such as contact info or descriptions.


My contributions to the application included modifying the landing page, navbar and signup page provided in Bowfolios, one of the templates provided by our ICS 314 professors to use as a starting point for the projects. The signup page in particular required having to add new fields to take in values such as a student ID, along with a first and last name instead of just a singular name value.

In addition, I created tests for the different pages, using the preexisting tests in Bowfolios as a reference for the different TestCafe commands needed.

Learning Experience

One of the biggest takeaways for me was the experience of working as a group. As this was my first group project as a computer science major, I had to learn how to make use of GitHub’s Project Boards and Organization features to allow for all of us to work on a shared repository in an effective manner. This was also a good learning experience when it comes to understanding how to facilitate discussions, as I ran the weekly team meetings where we did “temperature checks” on how well everyone’s doing with their respective tasks along with discussing ideas on how to implement certain features.

More information may be found here, and the source code can be find at the previous link or here.